FAFSA La Vista, Baby


22 points of light regarding the FAFSA.

1) It’s THE form required at all colleges that accept and award federal aid.  (Yes, there are a few that do not utilize federal funding – that’s a topic for another day.)

2) It’s the form that provides your college financial aid officers with the information they need to go ahead and create your financial aid package.

3) The initials stand for FREE Application for Federal Student Aid.

4) Hence, it’s FREE.

5) It’s available online at http://www.fafsa.ed.govNOT dot com, NOT dot org, NOT dot anything else. 

6) You can still get a paper version, if you really, really, really want to.  But you don’t.

7) It utilizes a July to June calendar.  In other words, we are in the middle of the 2011-2012 year and “New Year’s Day” is July 1, when we move to the 2012-2013 year.

8) The 2012-2013 form is available for processing on January 1, 2012.

9) It helps determine the awarding of over $150 billion in federal aid.

10) If you have your 1040 available, the form can be fairly straightforward.

11) Unless your situation is not.

12) Do not pay someone $1500 to fill the form out for you to “maximize your aid potential”.  Generally, the only one receiving more aid in that situation is the preparer.

13) It’s based on your current household and your current assets.

14) But last year’s income for that household.

15) If your parents are divorced or separated, it’s based on the parent you spent the most time with in the previous year.

16) And your step-parent, if there is one in that household.

17) Don’t send notes to the federal processor.  They’ll just shred ’em.  Your concerns and questions should be directed to the financial aid office of the school you attend or are planning to attend.

18) Your parents saying that they won’t pay for College does NOT grant you independent status.

19) Here’s a link to a useful webinar about the FAFSA. (Useful, but 60 minutes in length)

20) Here’s a link to my favorite FAFSA video. (Enjoyable, only 5 minutes in length)

21) Here’s a link to my Facebook page – feel free to post any $$/FA questions you have.

22) After all of that, here’s a link to the actual FAFSA.

As always, I welcome your comments and questions.  Please feel free to email me at info@cc4therestofus.com, call or text me at 908-403-3819, join me on Facebook on “College Counseling for the Rest of Usand join me on Twitter at @MichaelCCR.   And now on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/user/CCRMichael?feature=mhee.

College Unplugged


It’s coming.


A College Fair unlike any other.

A College Fair where you’re just not trick-or-treating for brochures, viewbooks and pens, but talking.  Actually talking.  To people with answers – College Reps.  Counselors.  Professionals.

A College Fair that’s relevant, personal, meaningful and fun.

A College Fair that hides all the booths and barriers.

A College Fair that asks “is College worth it?” and “how do I pay for it?” and “how important are the SAT and the ACT?” and “is a Gap Year a good idea?” – AND then provides answers.

A College Fair that talks about not just getting in to College, but thriving, succeeding and graduating college.  And then thriving and succeeding afterwards.

A College Fair that includes not just colleges, but financial experts and some really cool service providers that help you with the college search.  And includes professional schools and community colleges and military services.


Meet some of the most experienced, passionate, talented concierges and tour guides for all stops on the College Search journey.  All in one place.  For free.

AND even walk out with a diploma – a one day certificate in college searchology.

Anyway, that’s the plan.

Stay tuned to this channel for more details.

College Unplugged.  4.29.2012. Save the date, tell a friend and start writing down your questions. 

  • If you want to learn more, or offer your thoughts on what you want to experience at College Unplugged, or be a participant or sponsor, PLEASE feel free to contact me.  THANK YOU!!      

As always, I welcome your comments and questions.  Please feel free to email me at info@cc4therestofus.com, call or text me at 908-403-3819, join me on Facebook on “College Counseling for the Rest of Usand join me on Twitter at @MichaelCCR.   And now on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/user/CCRMichael?feature=mhee.